TNA iMPACT Oba Femi Moose
Image Credit: TNA Wrestling

TNA iMPACT Results: Review, Grades, Card For March 6

Our TNA iMPACT results for tonight include a face-to-face between NXT Champion Oba Femi and Moose, The Hardys taking on The Colons, and Mike Santana going one-on-one with John Skyler


The announced card is as follows:

  • Elijah vs. Brian Myers
  • The Hardys vs. The Colons
  • Mike Santana vs. John Skyler
  • The Northern Armory vs. The Rascalz and Ace Austin
  • Oba Femi and Moose go face-to-face
  • We’ll hear from Masha Slamovich

TNA iMPACT Results:

This week’s episode of TNA iMPACT kicks off with a recap of last week’s show.

Elijah vs. Brian Myers (w/ Alisha Edwards)

  • The finish of the match saw Elijah hit Brian Myers with the Highwaymen’s Farewell (Tombstone Piledriver) to score the pinfall victory.

Winner: Elijah

After the match, Elijah is jumped from behind by Eddie Edwards. JDC comes out and joins in on the attack until Joe Hendry comes out with a guitar and chases The System off.

Grade: B

Fine opening contest to start off the show. Elijah already seems comfortable as a member of the TNA roster which can only be a good thing for him going forward.

The Rascalz team with Ace Austin later tonight

Ace Austin and The Rascalz are backstage with Gia Miller. Austin says tonight’s match with the Northern Armory is a true test to see if they can co-exist. Austin talks about their history and makes it a point to say that he’s done terrible things to them in the past but he’s never pretended to be their friend and stabbed them in the back. Zachary Wentz makes it clear after tonight their focus is on Wes Lee and the bootleg Rascalz.

Fir$t Cla$$ have another terrible segment on the stage where they tease Kevin Owens but really have no guests at all. Steve Maclin comes out and the three men have a verbal exchange which sets up a match for later in the show. If you want to watch this segment, check it out in the embedded video below.

Xia Brookside vs. Savannah Evans

  • The finish of the match saw Savannah Evans hit Xia Brookside with a northern lariat to score the pinfall victory.

Winner: Savannah Evans

Grade: C

This wasn’t good. I’m sorry. I want to be more positive but these two have very little chemistry. It felt like they were going through the motions. If we’re lucky TNA never runs this match back again.

Mike Santana vs John Skyler (w/ Jason Hotch and Tasha Steelz)

  • The finish of the match saw Mike Santana hit John Skyler with a running powerbomb to score the pinfall victory.

Winner: Mike Santana

After the match, Jason Hotch tries to attack Santana from behind with the ring bell but gets hit with Spin the Block instead.

Mustafa Ali comes on the Tron and tells Santana that he’s unhinged and claims that he’s been randomly selected to be drug tested.

Grade: B+

Mike Santana continues to impress in his current TNA run. If he keeps going at this pace I don’t think the company can deny him a run with the TNA World Championship before the year is over. Santana is making the best out of whatever TNA gives him, be it in the ring or the storylines out of it.

Steve Maclin vs. AJ Francis (w/ KC Navarro)

  • The finish of the match saw distractions from both The Northern Armory and KC Navarro which allowed AJ Francis to hit Steve Maclin with the Down Payment to score the pinfall victory.

Winner: AJ Francis

Grade: B

Solid match. It seems like Maclin won’t be able to escape this storyline with Eric Young anytime soon. It will be interesting to see if he eventually just joins them or manages to overcome them.

Oba Femi and Moose go face-to-face

It’s time for the face-to-face in the ring between WWE NXT Champion Oba Femi and TNA X-Division Champion Moose. Unlike Femi, Moose feels the need to come out with backup and heads to the ring with The System and multiple members of security.

Oba Femi says there’s been talk of these two men facing each other for a while now. Femi says he was happy when Moose showed up on NXT to challenge him but wants to know why now. Moose says he’s a prize fighter and he only fights for the biggest prize. Moose says he waited until Femi won the NXT Championship to challenge because he wants to take that title.

Femi puts over what Moose has done in TNA over the last decade but reminds him that none of the people he has defeated are him. Femi says he’ll walk out of NXT Roadblock as champion. Moose says he’s been the face of TNA for the last decade but after next week he’s going to be the face of NXT as well.

Oba Femi says if Moose is so confident he should excuse The System and all of the security and they can settle things tonight. Security attacks Femi but he takes them all out. He also takes down everyone in The System but Moose gets him with a spear. Moose stands over Femi with both titles to end the segment.

Fraxiom makes a bold claim

WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Fraxiom are backstage. Axiom says they are there to say their goodbyes to the greatest tag team of all time. Axiom says they are days away from becoming TNA Tag Team Champions and the greatest team of all time. Nathan Frazer thanks The Hardys for everything they’ve done, but if they aren’t going to pass the torch, they are going to take it.

The Rascalz and Ace Austin vs. The Northern Armory

  • The finish of the match saw interference from Wes Lee and the bootleg Rascalz, which led to Eric Young hitting Trey Miguel with a piledriver to score the pinfall victory for his team.

Winners: The Northern Armory

Grade: B

Fun six-man tag match. This result makes me believe Austin and The Rascalz will be victorious when they get in the ring with Wes Lee and his team at Sacrifice.

Does Mustafa Ali like urine in his coffee?

Backstage Mike Santana finds Santino Marella. Santana complains about what’s happening with Mustafa Ali. Marella agrees and says he thinks it’s ridiculous but Ali went over his head. Marella asks him to just do it and prove them wrong and get it over with.

Santino leaves and Santana hears Tasha Steelz yelling at a backstage worker about how Ali likes his coffee. Santana tells the guy to never let anyone talk to him like that again and that he’ll handle the coffee, implying that he’s gonna pee in both cups.

Masha Slamovich comes to the ring to speak. Slamovich says she knows being Knockouts Champion puts a title on your back and she’s okay with that because she’s a fighter. Slamovich says Cora Jade thinks she’s stepping into her world at Sacrifice, but she’s not stepping into a match, she’s stepping into a fight. Masha says Jade won’t be walking out.

Cora Jade comes out on the stage and says Masha talks a big game, but she just sees a champion who knows her days are numbered. Jade says at Sacrifice that title is coming home with her. Jade promises to expose all of her weaknesses at Sacrifice.

Slamovich goes to respond but she’s attacked from behind by Tessa Blanchard. Jade hits the ring and they both beat on Slamovich until Lei Ying Lee hits the ring and cleans house saving the champion.

Backstage Tasha Steelz goes to Ali and tells him that Santana passed his drug test in what has to be the quickest results ever given. Ali drinks the coffee that Santana made for him and goes to throw up.

It’s time for your TNA iMPACT main event

TNA Tag Team Champions The Hardys vs. The Colons (non-title match)

  • The finish of the match saw The System come out to attack The Hardys.

Winners: The Hardys via disqualification

Grade: B

Joe Hendry, Elijah, and Leon Slater come out to even the odds. Santino Marella comes out and announces that the ten-man tag at Sacrifice is now a steel cage match as TNA iMPACT goes off the air.

TNA iMPACT Review:

A decent episode of iMPACT tonight overall. They’ve certainly had better shows in recent weeks. but it was fine. I would imagine next week’s episode being the go-home episode for Sacrifice should be a good one. We’ll find out next week.

Grade: B-

READ MORE: AJ Styles Comments On A Potential TNA Return

What did you think of this week’s episode of TNA iMPACT? What was your favorite match or segment? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.