WWE NXT Results
Photo Credit: WWE

WWE NXT Results: Review, Grades, Card For March 4

Our WWE NXT results for tonight include Jaida Parker battling Kelani Jordan, WWE Women’s United States Champion Chelsea Green and Piper Niven returning to NXT to face the upstart team of Sol Ruca and Zaria, WWE NXT North American Championship Tony D’Angelo defending against Shawn Spears. Here’s our review and grades for tonight’s show, live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida.


  • WWE NXT North American Championship Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Shawn Spears
  • Chelsea Green & Piper Niven vs. Sol Ruca & Zaria
  • Jaida Parker vs. Kelani Jordan

WWE NXT Results:

Chelsea Green & Piper Niven vs. Sol Ruca & Zaria

Ruca and Green kick off the match. Ruca lands a flurry of strikes and an x-factor. Zaria tags in and wants Niven. Niven slams Zaria. Zaira pops back up to her feet and lands a lariat. Ruca misses a springboard splash. The fight spills out of the ring. Ruca lands a dive that takes out Gree. Niven follows that with a diving senton off the apron.

After the break, Green and Niven are working over Ruca. Ruca manages to tag in Zaira. Zaria suplexes everyone, then follows that with a pair of spears. Green gets her foot on the bottom rope to break the pin. Green surprises Zaria with a codebreaker. Niven follows that with a senton. Green’s nose is busted open. Niven tries to splash Ruca, but she moves. Niven crushes Green. Zaria F5s Niven on top of Green. Green eats a Soul Snatcher for the win.

Winners- Zaria and Sol Ruca

Grade: B-

Fun tag team match. Niven and Green are amazing together and prop up any team they face. Zaria and Ruca are coming into their own as a team. It’s a shame the Women’s Tag Team Championships aren’t more regularly defended in NXT. Hell of a finish here.

Jaida Parker vs. Kelani Jordan

Jordan and Parker aggressively lock up. Parker drives Jordan into the corner and lays in a few shoulder blocks. After a series of reversals, Jordan lands a dropkick. Standing moonsault by Jordan. Parker kicks out. Parker floors Jordan with a back elbow. Jordan responds with a vicious lariat. Parker tries a baseball slide, but Jordan leaps in the air and lands a double stomp on the apron. Asai moonsault by Jordan. Jordan goes up top. Parker cuts Jordan off and drops Jordan on the top turnbuckle back first. After the break, Parker and Jordan trade strikes. Jordan floors Parker with a handspring back elbow. Parker catches Jordan in the air and lands a Samoan drop. Jordan kicks out.

Jordan counters another Samoan drop into a chicken wing. Parker drives Jordan into the corner to break the hold. Parker sets up a super tear drop hip attack, but Jordan kicks her way out of it. After a struggle up top, Jordan takes PArker off the top with a super Spanish fly. Parker rolls out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Jordan tries a springboard, but Parker pulls Jordna to the floor. Hypnotiq by Parker. Jordan ends up against the ring steps. Parker tries another Hypnotiq, but Jordan moves causing Parker to crash into the ring steps. Jordan attempts a 450 splash, but Parker moves out of the way. Hypnotiq by Parker! Parker pins Jordan.

Winner- Jaida Parker

Grade: B

Parker and Jordan did a great job selling the heat between the two of them; Jordan elevated aggression really sold how much she hates Parker. Parker, on the other hand, hates everyone, so she matches Jordan’s aggression and then some. The finish of this was great as well, as Jordan’ missed 450 bump look gnarly. Parker could have pinned Jordan after that. Jordan was channeling her inner Taka Michinoku at the 2000 Royal Rumble. If you know, you know.

Delete, Delete, Delete!

The NXT Universe drowns the TNA Tag Team Champions Matt and Jeff out with cheers. Jeff notes that it feels so good to be in NXT and back home in the WWE. Matt puts over the No Quarter Catch Crew as a top tag team in NXT and the entire NXT locker room. Hank and Tank interrupt. Tank says they mean no disrespect. They came out here to say thank you. The crowd boos them for interrupting this. Hank and Tank ask for advice. They want to know what they need to break through. Matt says that to stand out, they have to act outside the norm. Jeff adds that they need to take it to the extreme.

Read More: Street Fight Announced For WWE NXT Roadblock

Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura interrupt. Briggs tells Hank and Tank to stop kissing up; they don’t deserve a title shot. Briggs and Inamura want a title shot against the Hardys. If Hank and Tank have a problem with that, Briggs wants them to do something about it. Hank and Tank take it to the extreme and land stereo dives. All four men fight off. Fraxiom appears in the ring behind the Hardys. Matt tells Fraxiom that he knew they’d come. Frazer and Axiom want to put to bed who the best tag team in the world is today. That question will be answered at WWE Roadblock.

Grade: C+

Seeing the Hardys back in WWE is fun, but this segment was dragged down by Hank and Tank. They added nothing to this segment.

Jordynne Grace vs. Cora Jade

Grace toses Jade all over the ring. Jade uses Grace’s hair to slam her to the mat. Jade works over Grace. During the break, Jade gets injured, and the referee stops the match. Grace is announced as the winner.

Winner- Jordynne Grace

Grade: Null

This one never really got out of the gates, and with the injury, it’s not right to rate this one. Hopefully, Jade is ok.

Trick Williams vs. Kale Dixon w/Urah Connors

As soon as the bell rings, Williams obliterates Dixon with the Trick Shot. Dixon is out cold. Williams lands a few strikes. The referee stops the match.

Winner- Trick Williams

After the match, Williams calls out Eddy Thorpe. Thorpe appears on the bird’s nest. Thorpe challenges Williams to an NXT Underground match. Williams agrees.

Grade: B

Williams looks like a bad@ss, which is needed after a series of so-so performances. Thorpe is still as interesting as a jar of mayonnaise, but he is infinitely more palatable in the NXT Underground environment. This writer is officially excited to see Willams and Thorpe match up in the no-holds-barred underground match.

WWE NXT North American Championship Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Shawn Spears

D’Angelo and Spears trade strikes. Spears lands a chop, that does not affect D’Angelo. D’Angelo tosses Spears into the corner and lands a few strikes. D’Angelo unloads on Spears, capped with a clothesline for a near fall. Superplex by D’Angelo. Spear kicks out. After the break, Spears works over D’Angelo’s previously injured back. D’Angelo surprises Spears with a spear for a near fall. Spears traps D’Angelo in the Sharpshooter.

Read More: WWE LFG Coaches To Attend NXT Roadblock

D’Angelo escapes and hits his finish. Izzie Dame puts Spears’ foot on the bottom rope. D’Angelo family and Spears Family brawl. Stack accidentally knocks D’Angelo off the apron. D’Angelo lands back first on a chair. Stacks checks on D’Angelo. Spears drags D’Angelo back into the ring and hits the C4! D’Angelo kicks out! Spears sets up another C4. Spear escapes. D’Angelo tries a spinebuster, but his back gives out. Spear lands on D’Angelo and pins him.

Winner- Shawn Spears

Grade: B-

Sold match. Spears’ interaction with Ricky Saints before the match telegraphed the win here. Spears will most likely be dropping the North American title to Saints WrestleMania weekend. With all that said, D’Angelo should get an award for his sell job tonight, with his collapse during the finish being the cherry on top.

WWE NXT Review:

WWE has been on a tear this week. Between an amazing Elimination Chamber and a flaming hot Raw, NXT continued that momentum admirable. Tonight’s show featured so much solid in-ring action, with the Kelani Jordan vs. Jaida Parker match being the match of the night. This was a solid show that led to what is shaping up to be one of the biggest NXT PLEs ever, WWE Roadblock.

Rating: B-

This event is ongoing. This information will be updated as the event progresses.

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