Donald Trump

The Undertaker Says Donald Trump Has Made Politics Fun Again

The Undertaker thinks Donald Trump has made politics fun again, despite being shot in the face recently.

The former US President has had a controversial rise in politics since 2016. He beat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, before losing to Joe Biden four years later.

Now in 2024, Donald Trump has survived two assassination attempts in what is apparently a “fun” election, according to The Undertaker.

Donald Trump recently appeared on the Six Feet Under podcast with The Undertaker. The Deadman complimented Trump. He said he’s brought fun into politics. The Undertaker added he needs to bring more of his personality like he has shown in the podcast.

The Undertaker on what Donald Trump brings to politics

“I think you need to show more of this part of you because I really think, you know, you’re a guy’s guy and a sports fan. I know you’ve got that tough guy persona and that bravado, but I think, you know, this is good. This is fun,” The Undertaker claimed. “And I think, you know what you’ve done? You’ve made politics fun again. Yeah. And I just think some people get caught up in the fact that they look at politics now kind of like a wrestling story, and they can’t separate—they can’t separate reality”

Donald Trump bragged that he doesn’t understand why, but he manages to draw 100,000 people to his rallies without a card. This was before adding that, after feeling the size of The Undertaker’s arm, he wouldn’t have made a very good wrestler.

“Well, it’s—it’s so interesting because, and I can’t explain exactly why, but we’ll go to places and have 100,000 people show up,” Trump replied. “I don’t have a card, and I’m not a wrestler. And, uh, when I felt your arm, I said, ‘I wouldn’t have been a very good wrestler.'”

Read More: The Undertaker Wants To See Politics Borrow From Pro Wrestling, See More Cohesion