WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (5/14/24)

WWE NXT Results – May 14, 2024

This week’s episode of WWE NXT kicks off with Noam Dar supposedly being attacked backstage. Meta-Four played it over the top so it’s likely he’s just trying to get out of his scheduled match tonight with Je’Von Evans.

RAW Superstar Kiana James is backstage with Izzi Dame. James says there’s a reason she befriended her and no one else. James says she is going to run RAW while Dame runs NXT.

Sol Ruca defeated Izzi Dame in a NXT Women’s North American Title Qualifier match

  • Sol Ruca hits Izzi Dame with the Sol Snatcher to score the pinfall victory.

WWE NXT General Manager Ava tells Tony D’Angelo that last week’s tag team result doesn’t count. D’Angelo says the referee was sick and he doesn’t know where anyone else is that disappeared. Ava says she won’t take away D’Angelo’s match, but she’s fining him $20,000. D’Angelo was somehow more than prepared and gave her an envelope that had all the fine money and more in it to spruce up Ava’s office. D’Angelo called Ava tough but fair.

Lola Vice and Shayna Baszler are backstage. Shayna Baszler says all she knows is dominance by running down her accomplishments in NXT. She has decided to stick around to see who Lola Vice’s opponent is at Battleground. Karmen Petrovic and Natalya run in and attack Vice as referees and security try to separate the two women.

Tag team action on WWE NXT

Bronco Nima and Lucien Price (w/ Jaida Parker) defeated Edris Enofe and Malik Blade (w/ Brinley Reece)

  • Brinley Reece and Jaida Parker brawled at ringside and had to be separated by multiple referees. Edris Enofe was too worried about his boot coming off than his opponents which led to him being hit with a double-team maneuver. Bronco Nima scored the pinfall victory for his team.

Backstage, Noam Dar insists he can’t compete tonight against Je’Von Evans, and Oro Mensah says he’ll take his spot tonight. Dar is certain that Evans or Trick Williams attacked him. Jakara wants to know why Lash doesn’t think it was Trick, and Legend says she doesn’t have time for this as her match is next and leaves.

Ridge Holland is in the locker room talking to NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom and Nathan Frazer. The Good Brothers come in and say the champs are ducking from giving them a title shot. Holland gets in their face, and Gallows and Anderson tell him to find a tag team partner and face them later tonight.

Lash Legend (w/ Jakara Jackson) defeated Ivy Nile in a NXT Women’s North American Title Qualifier match

  • Thanks to an assist from Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend hits Ivy Nile with a jumping pump kick to score the pinfall victory.

Je’Von Evans is backstage and is asked if he attacked Noam Dar. Evans says it wasn’t him, but he’s gonna have fun taking on Oro Mensah next.

Carlee Bright intercepts Ava outside of her office and is looking for an opportunity. Ava books a match between Bright and Lola Vice later tonight. Someone was watching the interaction from the blinds inside Ava’s office.

Trick Williams to the rescue

Je’Von Evans defeated Oro Mensah (w/ Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson)

  • Lash Legend tries to hand Oro Mensah a chair but is distracted by Trick Williams. Je’Von Evans hits Oro Mensah with the Skytwister Press to score the pinfall victory.

Trick Williams shows his support for Evans following the matchup.

Charlie Dempsey is backstage and says his teammates are on their way but are beaten up because of what the D’Angelo Family has done to them. Dempsey insists he will retain the Heritage Cup later tonight against Tony D’Angelo in the main event.

Wes Lee speaks to the WWE NXT Universe

Wes Lee comes to the ring and says the last time he was in the ring with a microphone was one of the darkest times in his life because he didn’t know if he’d ever be back. Lee says he loves the North American Championship, and he missed the NXT Universe.

Lee says two days after his surgery, he was up and walking again, and his ultimate goal was to get back to NXT. Wes says he was supposed to miss a year, but he’s back in six months feeling tremendous energy. Lee is interrupted by NXT North American Champion Oba Femi.

Oba Femi says he isn’t there to cut him down, and he respects everything he did for the North American Championship. Femi says he took the title as high as he could, and he will now take it to new heights that Lee could only dream of.

Femi says Lee has the heart of a warrior, but he is a true warrior, and he is someone Lee can’t conquer. Oba asks if Lee wants a title shot, and Lee says yes. Femi says Lee needs to prove himself to earn the shot.

Lee tries to respond but they are both interrupted by Ivar. Ivar says he wants a shot at Oba Femi as well. Josh Briggs interrupts all of them and says everyone is so emotional. The crowd boos Briggs out of the building.

Briggs says he and Oba Femi need to run their match back because his ribs are healed. Femi says they all have compelling arguments. Lee suggests they should do a fatal four-way for the title. Femi says the three of them can fight, and the winner will face him.

Ridge Holland gets help from Chase U

Ridge Holland is backstage and is asked if he’s going to face The Good Brothers alone tonight. Chase U shows up and offers their help. Holland accepts, thinking he’ll be teaming up with Andre Chase, but Chase suggests Riley Osborne, and Holland is all for it, wanting to prove himself to him. That match is next.

Lexis King is backstage with other talents, bragging that he’s been on fire lately and talking about his recent win over Baron Corbin. Jazmyn Nyx shows up and asks everyone to sign her get-well-soon card for Jacy Jayne. Everyone declines and leaves except King, who signs the card and spells Jacy’s name wrong, which annoys Nyx, and she calls him an idiot.

The Good Brothers defeated Ridge Holland and Riley Osborne (w/ Chase U)

  • A miscommunication between Holland and Osborne led to Karl Anderson scoring the pinfall victory for his team.

Lola Vice (w/ Shayna Baszler) defeated Carlee Bright

  • Lola Vice hits a spinning back fist on Carlee Bright to score the pinfall victory.

Karmen Petrovic and Natalya hit the ring and the four women brawl. Vice and Baszler get out of the ring after a bit of back and forth. Petrovic and Natalya challenge them to a tag match next week on NXT.

Riley Osborne apologizes to Ridge Holland for what happened in the ring. Holland accepts his apology and says accidents happen, and he just hopes that they trust him now. Thea Hail tells Osborne he has to trust Holland now.

It’s time for the main event!

Tony D’Angelo (w/ The Family) defeats Charlie Dempsey to win the NXT Heritage Cup

  • Round One: Tony D’Angelo scores the first fall with a victory roll.
  • Round Two: Charlie Dempsey has a cross-arm breaker on D’Angelo as the time limit expires.
  • Round Three: Charlie Dempsey scores a pinfall with a German Suplex to even things up.
  • Round Four: Tony D’Angelo hits a spinebuster, but the time limit expires before the three count.
  • Round Five: Tony D’Angelo hits Forgettaboutit to score the pinfall victory.

The Family celebrates in the ring as they cut backstage to see Wes Lee, Josh Briggs, and Ivar laid out. It’s revealed to be the returning Gallus, who says this is just the start as WWE NXT goes off the air.

READ MORE: Chelsea Green Compares NXT To Middle School: ‘They Have Life Lessons To Learn About WWE’

What did you think of this week’s episode of WWE NXT? What was your favorite match or segment? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.