WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/22/21)

WWE RAW ResultsWWE RAW Results 

November 22, 2021

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE Survivor Series Results (11/21/21)

Backstage, Mr. McMahon is in his office with Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce. Neither has any idea who took the 100 million dollar egg. Mr. McMahon says if they don’t find his egg by the end of the night, they are both fired. Deville says they have video but it’s too blurry to see who it is. Mr. McMahon adds that if someone brings him the egg or information leading to finding out who did this they will get a WWE Championship match tonight against Big E.

Backstage, Randy Orton says he has no idea where Riddle is. Riddle appears and he is dressed as Orton, complete with a fake mustache. Orton told Riddle to be like him not be him. Riddle says he hears voices and tells the production crew to hit Orton’s music.

Riddle w/Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler w/Robert Roode

Ziggler catches Riddle with a back elbow. High dropkick by Ziggler. Karelin lock by Riddle. Ziggler ends up falling out of the ring. Riddle tries a dive but Ziggler catches him with a Superkick in midair.

After the break, Ziggler runs right into a powerslam. Riddle sets up a hangman’s DDT. Ziggler counters with a backdrop over the top. Riddle slides back in the ring. Ziggler immediately hits a fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler and Riddle trade strikes. Riddle blocks a Superkick and lands a nasty knee to the face. Riddle hits an RKO for the win.

Winner- Riddle

Orton is elated. Roode hits the ring and Orton drops him with Bro Derek.

Backstage, everyone is tearing apart the locker room looking for Mr. McMahon’s egg.

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch says what we saw at Survivor Series is a culmination of a decade of love, hurt, and betrayal. She wanted to hurt Charlotte Flair last night and Flair wanted to hurt her. Lynch is turning the page and moving on to something new. Lynch asks the crowd if they want Rhea Ripley. The crowd moderately cheers. Lynch mentions Bianca Belair. The crowd goes nuts. Lynch asks about the number one contender, Liv Morgan.

The crowd cheers. Lynch tells the crowd they are hypocrites because during the women’s Survivor Series match this same crowd disrespected the women in the ring. Lynch says funny enough, she agrees with the crowd. None of the women in that match can hold a candle to her, most of, Morgan. Lynch proclaims she has a death grip on the championship.

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