Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

MJF: I Respect Darby Allin, But I Don’t Think He’s A Pro Wrestler; He’s A Stuntman

MJF says he thinks Darby Allin is a great guy, he’s just not a good professional wrestler.

MJF appeared on Rasslin’ with Brandon Walker on Barstool Sports and was asked about his recent remarks about the “four pillars” of AEW as well as his issues with Darby Allin. MJF said it all comes down to being a professional wrestler, something he says he does better than Allin.

“The thing is, I respect Darby but I’m not a fan of the way he goes about professional wrestling. I don’t think he’s a pro wrestler, I think he’s a stuntman,” MJF stated. “I think he leans on tacks on a skateboard, tables, chairs, ladders and that’s — the bottom line is I’m a much better technical professional wrestler than he is.”

Walker called MJF’s comments into question, noting that MJF’s biggest moment this year was throwing Chris Jericho off the top of a cage at Blood & Guts in May. MJF said that was one moment, but it’s not all he can do. 

“It’s up there, but also, when you watch me bell-to-bell, I’m not leaning on those things. I’m leaning on legitimate wrestling.”

MJF said tactics like the ones Darby implements are a last resort for him, and he was “forced” into Blood & Guts. 

“I love Darby, great guy. It’s a real shame that he got attacked. I hate what happened to him, I really didn’t find out about it until this week, really sad. I just don’t like how he ‘attacks’ professional wrestling.”

“I do it fair and square, I try to keep the match inside of the ring at all times. I try to make sure that I am not flying around, that is not going to benefit me or the sport. I am grappling, I am doing holds, I’m doing real moves such as armdrags, hiptosses, bodyslams, not Asai moonersaults, or whatever the hell Excalibur screams. Tope kiz-con-lo? I don’t know, no, I’m never going to be doing a ‘suicida’ because to me, that’s not pro wrestling. It does irk me that Darby Allin gets put over so much by pro wrestling fans. 

Walker said MJF is jealous of Darby, and he scoffed at the notion. 

“Absolutely not. I’m not jealous of Darby Allin. Again, great athlete, not the greatest wrestler. I did think it was funny that he said I couldn’t break him mentally.”

MJF also addressed being a fan of Roman Reigns despite him “losing the demo” to AEW on Friday; read his comments at this link.

Read More: Crowbar Details How His AEW Debut Happened, Praises The Company’s Positive Environment

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