Piper Niven WWE 2021
Image Credit: WWE

Doudrop On Working With Eva Marie, Meeting Vince McMahon, More

WWE Superstar Doudrop (formally known as Piper Niven), recently spoke to Sean Ross Sapp about how its been working with Eva Marie and detailed her first interaction with Vince McMahon. Check out the highlights below.

On working with Eva Marie:

It’s actually been really fun. She’s super high maintenance and I’m a super low maintenance sort of girl. But they always say opposites attract, right? I really think she’s been excellent for me. Because coming from NXT UK, I missed out on NXT where I would’ve learned a lot of things, I would have picked up a lot of things, and just gotten used to the American environment, bigger crowds. So, for me, this is like being thrown in the deep end and she is the life raft I needed to get a bit more comfortable.

On meeting Vince McMahon for the first time:

I love him. No, I think he’s such a boss. We’ve had little interactions and stuff, and the first time I met him he was like, ‘Oh, lovely to meet you. We’re gonna have a lot of fun with your character.’ I was like, ‘Oh, I consider myself a professional play fighter, so I’m all about fun.’ He was like, ‘Oh, this kid.’

On making the adjustment moving to the United States:

There is a girl called Stephanie De Lander and without her, I don’t think I would have any hair left ‘cause I would have pulled it all out by now. She got to America right about the same time as me and she’s helped keep me right and just been a real solid friend.

You can watch the interview here. Thanks to Fightful for transcribing the quotes.

READ MORE: Eva Marie Claims Doudrop Will Pay For ‘Heinous And Illegal Attack,’ Calls Her A Criminal