MLW Fusion results
Credit: MLW

MLW Fusion Results (3/24/21)

MLW Fusion (presented by doesn’t begin as usual because CONTRA cuts the feed. Josef Samael calls Injustice “pathetic.” At Never Say Never next week, they will unleash a campaign of horrors. He singles out Calvin Tankman who has claimed he’ll take that MLW World Title by any means necessary. That’s what they all say before they fall.There is no escaping the public execution that awaits Tankman next week, but first, he’ll have to survive tonight as he faces a SENTAI Death Squad member!


Gino Medina vs. Zenshi

GIno and Zenshi trade off their unique styles and as the unorthodox Zenshi goes to utilize the ropes, Gino bails out of the ring to reassess and deliver some mind games. Zenshi has that book read however as he sweeps the leg and hits a standing moonsault. 1-2-kickout by Gino.

Zenshi hangs Gino out to dry on the apron. Zenshi leaps off the top but Medina catches Zenshi with his knees. Big knife edge chop gets a two count.

Abdominal stretch from Gino. He snapmares Zenshi down for a chinlock. Anchor hold from Gino. Multiple cover attempts by Gino show his frustration and Medina kicks Zenshi in the skull. He doesn’t relent on deliberate strikes to the Chilean star. Zenshi fires back with some forearm smashes, but an elbow to the back of Zenshi’s head downs him. Zenshi gets set up top as Gino claws at his mask. Zenshi frees himself and hits a modified Spanish fly attempt for a near fall. Zenshi locks his mask back up. He avoids a 540 kick by Gino to hit a Pele kick. Roll up for two. Zenshi handspring attacks and then hits a springboard spinning senton for a close fall. Gino catches Zenshi in the corner and vaults him in the opposite corner for a snake eyes.

After a pin attempt gets reversed by Zenshi, Gino catches him with the “Eat The Feet” kick to the back of the head and gets the 1-2-3 victory.

WINNER: Gino Medina

Alicia Atout has some breaking news: Tom Lawlor is apparently injured and out of action for tonight. League officials are looking for a plan B. Will the chain rope match be cancelled? Viewers certainly hope not!

We see Myron Reed. Before Kings of Colosseum he was on top of the world and he felt like he could have ventured even further. He felt that. Heck, he felt like he could have been World Champion too, but he happened to get a dose of reality. However, he didn’t have time to process that as CONTRA attacked him. Hot Fire makes it known that he has put the focus on Daivari and says he’ll see him next week at Never Say Never.


Gringo Loco vs. Mil Muertes (presented by Salina de la Renta)

The Azteca Underground associate accompanies Salina and Muertes to the ring. Muertes is also accompanied by Hammerstone’s Openweight Title around his waist.

Muertes walks up to Loco before the bell rings and once it does, Loco does the same. He shoves Mil and slaps him twice, but nothing doing. Very hard shot by Muertes. Loco avoids Mil, but not for long as Muertes spears the Chicago out of him. He hammers away at Gringo before continuing the offense. Massive right hand knocks Loco’s headband off and then goes crashing to the outside. He slams Gringo into the ring post before thrusting him against the hard apron. Muertes breaks the count and then continues his dismantling.

Gringo does dodge a big bullet as Muertes chops the post instead. That doesn’t last long however as Muertes has control back in the ring with a short arm clothesline. He chokes Loco up to the official’s four count before relenting. He drapes Loco over the rope and then distracts the ref. That allows Salina to tug on Gringo’s beard, therein choking him over the middle rope. Muertes catapults Gringo’s neck under the bottom rope.

He then attacks Loco in the far corner and rattles him with a right hand. Gringo fights back and catches Mil Muertes with a rolling senton where his leg connects with Muertes. Loco barely can cover and only gets a one count. Big chokeslam by Loco, but somehow Gringo gets a shoulder up.

Loco looks to dizzy Mil with a kick to the head, but that doesn’t phase Muertes. Instead, Mill catches him with a powerslam for two. Salina finds another window to choke Loco. The resilient Gringo continues to fight back, but the high flier soon leaps off to find himself going “Straight To Hell.” 1-2-3.

WINNER: Mil Muertes

Post-match, Muertes celebrates with Hammer’s title in his hands.

We see Hammer backstage. He’s getting real sick of the messages asking if he lost his championshop to MIl. He spent the past two years making that Openweight belt his. Mil has all the time to share pictures on social media, but not enough to accept his challenge. Well how about this? April 14, Alexander Hammerstone is coming back for the belt that is rightfully his.

Alicia has an update for us: It’s reported that Tom Lawlor has an injured bicep and is indeed unable to compete tonight. However, league officials note that the match is still on. Instead of involving six men in the Chain Ropes match, it will be the Von Erichs facing Violence Is Forever between the links.

Pro Wrestling Illustrated‘s Tag Team Top Five

5) The Dirty Blondes 4) CONTRA 3) Injustice 2) Violence Is Forever 1) The Von Erichs

We get the unfortunate news that Bu Ku Dao is out of action for two to three weeks. Due to this TJP has been suspended indefinitely and fined the hefty sum of $2,500. Rich Bocchini does let us know that we’ll be hearing from Dao next week.


SENTAI Death Squad Member Zad vs. Calvin Tankman

Tankman clearly doesn’t fear SENTAI Death Squad as he and Zad trade heavy shots. Repeated chops at the ropes sets Zad up for a major shoulder tackle.

Big spinebuster from Tank who then follows that up with a big backfist to the skull of Zad for the win.

WINNER: Calvin Tankman

Post-match, Fatu comes out with Daivari and Gotch, but Tank catches them off at the pass and dives on top of the trio! Injustice comes in to even the odds as Tankman grabs hold of Daivari and plants him with a Tankman Driver.

The Von Erichs are backstage and they aren’t surprised that Lawlor played to his own cowardice. Well, fortunate for Marshall and Ross, they’ve got chain ropes to bring the pain to Violence is Forever. Marshall is all sorts of amped as the brothers get ready to roll in the main event.

Salina is standing outside and reveals that yes, Mil Muertes has accepted Hammerstone’s challenge for April 14! That Azteca Underground associate enters the picture and makes clear to Salina that “El Hefe” is not happy. He shoves the camera man and the mystery of this business is left lingering.

Tom Lawlor may be out, but he makes it clear that Team Filthy is going to make the most of those chains. They’ll break the brothers’ hands with the chains before choking the the life out of them. Violence is Forever indeed.


Violence Is Forever (with Tom Lawlor) vs. The Von Erichs

Those chain ropes hang mighty heavy as the bell sounds and The Von Erichs don’t miss a beat on the offense as they strike VIF down. Both Ku and Garrini show their own strong fight backgrounds, but Marshall slams Ku down and Russ throws Garrini with a Northern Lights suplex. One count. Lawlor briefly meddles that saves Garrini from further attack by Ross. The Von Erichs show syncronicty as they throw VIF both into the chains.

Lawlor distracts the brothers and it allows Team Filthy to get back in the fight with the chains. VIF isolate Ross as Lawlor chokes out Marshall with the lower chain on the outside. Ku has Ross in an Indian deathlock. He turns that into an STF and Garrini wears down MArshall across the canvas. Garrini and Ku are in full control. Once more, Lawlor interferes by peeling the tape off Marshall’s foot, but the younger Von Erich shows that fighting spirit learned in Japan!

Marshall goes for a patented Von Erich dropkick, but Garrini scissors the legs and Ku catches Ross in a guillotine choke. Ross musters up enough strength and then suplexe The show closes out by showcasing the stakes that are on the line for Never Say Never next week!s Ku on top of Dom, therein freeing his brother.

The four men trade massive shots as they all fight to their feet. Ku and Garrini both send the brother harshly into the chains. They plant Marshall over the ropes and it sends him to the outside. A severe GTS dragon suplex combo maneuver takes Ross out and they cover him for a very close fall!

As a last ditch effort, Tom tosses in brass knuckles, but Marshall makes sure to secure the interception and takes out Ku! Marshall locks the Iron Claw in on Dom and the brothers slam him down hard for the 1-2-3!

WINNERS: The Von Erichs

That was a major way to finish Fusion as The Von Erichs defeat Team Filthy in a statement win! The show closes out by showcasing the stakes that are on the line for Never Say Never next week!

RELATED: Calvin Tankman To Challenge Jacob Fatu For MLW Heavyweight Title At Never Say Never

These results were written by @DOMINICDEANGELO but are COURTESY OF MLW.COM. Watch the full episode of  this week’s MLW Fusion below: