the miz
Photo credit: FAYEZ NURELDINE/AFP/Getty Images

The Miz On Reuniting With John Morrison, Restoring The Glory of The Intercontinental Title

The Miz recently spoke with Connor Casey of Comic Book and reflected on his reunion with John Morrison and his memorable reigns with the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The Miz said everything fell into place, which allowed him to team up with Morrison again. “‘That’s exactly what we wanted to do,” said The Miz via Casey. “‘We thought it was the perfect way to bring John back. We had really, really great success together as a tag team. And at that point I wasn’t really doing much, it was something new that I could get into. And John could come back and it was just an easy kind of way to get John back into the mix and to get John where he needed to be.'”

The former WWE Champion said he and Morrison have a mutually beneficial partnership. “‘…I think John helps me, I help John, and we elevate each other to be the best form of ourselves,'” said The Miz via Casey. “‘And we give the best entertainment while we’re together.'”

The Miz also stated that he made the WWE Intercontinental Championship important again. “‘Before, the champion kind of got thrown to the wayside,”‘ said The Miz via Casey. “‘He was the person that would hold the title and lose every single match and not be important, not be an important integral part of every single pay-per-view. Then I got that title and I felt like not only was it an integral part of the show, of every pay-per-view, but it was the title to watch. It was more important than WWE [Championship], more important than the Universal [Championship], and I think the people that have held it afterwards were trying to emulate that and be that person to keep that Intercontinental title going.'”

The Miz also praised the current champion, AJ Styles, and said that Styles represents what the title stands for. “‘We have one of the greatest in-ring technicians holding that title as we speak right now in AJ Styles,'” said The Miz via Casey. “‘And you want to see what AJ Styles is going to do every single week. And that’s exactly what that Intercontinental title does.'”

Finally, The Miz planted the seeds for a match with Styles. “‘…A match between the Miz and AJ Styles I think is definitely something that I think the fans could definitely want to see and me with the title, I can definitely elevate it to where it needs to be.'”

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