WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (7/15/20)

WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results

July 15, 2020

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment: Keith Lee

The crowd breaks out into a “bask in his glory” chant. Lee says he loves that but he likes something a bit more. Lee asks the ring announcer to introduce him again, which she does. Lee says he is at a crossroads. The past few months have been trying. Now, Lee is the North American and NXT Champion. Lee has celebrated but now it’s time to get back to reality. Lee knows there are many deserving people in the back who want a shot. Lee acknowledges that he isn’t a self-made man. He didn’t do this alone. His trainer was like a father to him. Lee wouldn’t be where he is today without him. Lee couldn’t have done this without the NXT Universe. There is one more person who played a pivotal part in all of this. Lee knows this person is at a crossroads as well. Lee wants to have a conversation with Dominik Dijakovic. Dijakovic joins Lee in the ring. Dijakovic says no one is more proud of Lee than he is but this is Lee’s moment. Lee says no, this is about Dijakovic as well. Lee’s conflicts with Dijakovic helped propel him into the spotlight. Lee spoke to Commissioner Regal and Regal agreed that the first challenger for both titles. Dijakovic is in. Lee wants to do it tonight. Dijakovic is in.

Damian Priest vs. Cameron Grimes

Grimes tries to attack Priest before the bell but Priest sidesteps. Priest decks Grimes. Priest stomps Grimes in the corner. Running splash in the corner by Priest. Priest follows that with a running wheel kick in the corner. Priest tries a Superman punch. Grimes counters with a stiff elbow. Grimes gets a two count after a modified sidewalk slam. Dropkick by Grimes. After the break, Priest floors Grimes with an uppercut. Grimes catches Priest with a clothesline over the top rope. Priest attempts an apron chokeslam. Grimes escapes and shoots for the Cave In. Grimes avoids it and crushes Grimes with a Razor’s Edge on the ring apron. Flatliner by Priest. Grimes kicks out. Grimes reverses Priest’s finish. Spinning crossbody by Grimes. Priest kicks out. Priest and Grimes trade strikes. Grimes misses the Cave In yet again and ends up getting tied up in the ropes. Priest hits a rope assist Reckoning for the win.

Winner- Damian Priest

After the match, Priest says into the camera that Lee had his moment and he will be watching to see who comes out on top tonight.

Backstage, Timothy Thatcher teaches another class of Thatchers-Catch-Can. Thatcher reenacts putting Oney Lorcan in the Fujiwara armbar. Thatcher notes that nothing feels better than making your opponent cry, just like he did Lorcan.




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