triple h
Photo by Jerod Harris/Getty Images

Triple H On Cinematic Matches And Why He Was Thrilled For The Undertaker After The Boneyard Match

Triple H recently spoke at the NXT TakeOver: In Your House media call, where he discussed various topics. One highlight includes his discussion of cinematic matches:

Triple H: “It’s a funny thing that people say, all the sudden, there’s this moment, that there’s this cinematic thing that happened, but, like, people were doing that 20 years ago, with Rock and Mick Foley Halftime Heat, [Steve] Austin and Booker [T] in the grocery store, there’s so many of those things over the years that have happened. Did they do a great job taking that to another level? Absolutely, Jeremy’s an incredible talent with an eye for storytelling and an eye for image and everything else, and I can’t tell you how much I love working with him. The one thing that I want to be careful to say is there was a whole team of people who worked on that as well. So, you know, Jeremy’s name gets thrown in there a lot, but the team that worked on that, that was a total team effort of multiple people, multiple camera people,. To negate the edit process, there were two guys in particular that worked on that at our TV studio that just turned it into artwork, you know, to me.”

“The scoring, just everything that was done in that mold, it’s like, you know, making a movie, and just putting it all on one person, and that isn’t a knock to him, clearly he’s phenomenal, but there are so many people who deserve credit for that. And it was all done quickly, put together, there wasn’t a large planning process around it, so the fact of what it came out to be was amazing and I, to be honest, I was thrilled for fans to get to see it at WrestleMania and everything like that, I was thrilled for AJ. But for Taker, to me, that was the thing of just one more situation where he’s coming back, he’s gonna do this thing, and all of a sudden, everything’s falling apart around him, and it’s becoming something it’s not, and, you know, that’s tough. And I was really thrilled with how it came out for him more so than anybody else. But to that fact, and that’s not to negate the Matt Hardy/Jeremy Borash thing that you mentioned, that took it to another level, there’s whole steps to this. But to say it all started there, that to me isn’t accurate.”

On the ratio of live content and taped content for NXT TakeOver: In Your House:

Triple H: “Basically, everything else in the show, with the exception of the Velveteen Dream/Adam Cole match, is live. And, as you know, that match has already been done and it was shot outdoors. There was some component to that of weather that we wanted to be cautious of, but everything else within the show match-wise will be live.

The full call is available here:

RELATED: LISTEN NOW: Triple H NXT TakeOver: In Your House Media Call (Full Audio & Highlights)