Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Carmella Impersonates Stone Cold Steve Austin, MJF Shows Off His ‘Training’ Regiment

Carmella Impersonates Stone Cold Steve Austin

Carmella has been notoriously delivering some of her best impersonations during the past couple of weeks, and today she continued to deliver greatness. Taking to Twitter, the WWE superstar dropped her best Stone Cold Steve Austin impersonation, complete with a mustache and wig cap to simulate his baldness. Check it out below to get a good laugh from the superstar.

MJF Shows Off His ‘Training’ Regiment

Due to the world being mostly in quarantine, many athletes are having to train in unconventional methods. All Elite Wrestling’s Maxwell Jacob Friedman took to Twitter to share his latest method of “training,” and it involves him filing down his nails to make sure they’re strong enough to snap the file. Needless to say, MJF noy only keeps himself sculpted in the gym, but makes sure his nails are done to boot.