WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (2/12/20)

WWE NXT Results

February 12, 2020

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment: Roderick Strong

Strong power walks to the ring. Strong is pissed. Strong goes off because Velveteen Dream puts his wife and child on his tights. Strong is going to hurt Dream. Strong demands an apology. Bronson Reed interrupts. Reed says Strong has a problem with him too. Reed wants to fight right now.

Roderick Strong vs. Bronson Reed

Reed floors Strong. Reed bodyslams Strong and drops the elbow. Strong responds with a few chops. Reed and Strong trade strikes. Sidewalk slam by Reed. Delayed vertical suplex by Reed. Strong falls to the outside. Reed leaps off the apron with an elbow smash. Reed attempts a hip attack as Strong is against the ring steps. Strong moves out of the way. Reed hits the ring steps hard. Back in the ring, Reed and Strong trade strikes. Strong tries a sunset flip but Reed sits on him. Strong puts Reed in a sleeper. Strong suplexes Reed. Reed clotheslines Strong in the corner. Reed finally lands his hip attack for a near fall. King Kong lariat by Reed. Strong kicks out. Powerslam followed by a senton by Reed. Reed goes up top. Strong cuts Reed off. Strong lands a superplex. Reed kicks out. Strong gets distracted by the opening cord of Dream’s music. Reed hits a suicide dive. Reed goes up top for a splash but Strong catches him with a flying knee in midair for the win.

Winner- Roderick Strong

Dream appears on the big screen. Dream asks Strong if Strong remembers the first time he met his wife Marina. Dream says he is going to take something from Strong just like Strong took something from him. Dream tells Strong that if anything ever happened to him, Dream would fulfill all of Marina’s dreams. Dream turns around and he is wearing the tights with Strong’s wife and child on them. Strong goes nuts in the ring and runs to the back.

Matt Riddle and Pete Dunne go on a road trip with the Dusty Classic trophy. They get pulled over and after Riddle “does all the talking” the car is towed. How will Riddle and Dunne and the trophy get to Portland now?


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