WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

Friday Night SmackDown Results (2/7/20)

February 7, 2020

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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The Dirt Sheet

Miz and Morrison preview their latest feature: Once Apon A Time On the Dirt Sheet. The video features Mr. Miz, Lance Storm, and various others. The video is a straight parody of Quentin Tarantino’s latest film. Morrison points out that now that they have a movie everyone wants to cheer them. Morrison rather have the cheers and applause from The Academy. The New Day interrupts with buckets of popcorn.  Kingston and Big E. say Miz and Morrison’s trailer was amazing. Kingston tells the crowd that Mr. Miz’s favorite wrestler is… Kofi Kingston! Big E. confuses the trailer for the Tip Drill video that famously aired on BET Uncut. Miz says Kingston and Big E. shouldn’t talk because they have dominated them for the past few weeks. Miz says they have beaten every team SmackDown has to offer to become the number one contenders. The Usos walk out on the ramp. Jey says they have never beat the Usos. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode join the fray. Miz and Morrison attack Kingston and Big E. The Usos chase off Miz and Morrison.

The Uso vs. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode

Ziggler and Roode beatdown Jey. Roode chops Jey in the corner. Jimmy responds with a few stiff chops of his own. Roode runs over Jimmy with a shoulder block. Jimmy uppercuts Roode. Jey tags in but loses the advantage after a distraction from Ziggler. Ziggler and Roode take turns working over Jey. Jey manages to tag in Jimmy, who clears the ring. Everyone gets a Samoan drop. Jimmy lands a Umaga-style running hip attack on Ziggler. Jimmy tries to crush Roode with the same move but Roode powerslams him. Roode almost hits the Glorious DDT. Jimmy escapes but before he can tag out Ziggler drops him with the Zig Zag. Ziggler calls for the Superkick. Jimmy counters with a superkick of his own. Jey tags in and tries the Superfly Splash. Ziggler gets his knees up and gets a near fall. Roode walks into a double superkick by the Usos. Jimmy hits the Superfly Splash for the win.

Winners- The Usos

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!