WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (8/13/19)

August 13, 2019

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

In-Ring Segment: Kevin Owens

Owens says this is the anniversary of when he signed his WWE contract. Owens is happy his family got to share in his SummerSlam moment with him. Owens says the thing he will remember the most is when he hit Shane with the Stunner. Owens will remember that for the rest of his life. Owens is shifting focus to the King of the Ring Tournament. Owens is thrilled to be in it this year. Winning the KOR will mean just as much to Owens as the many titles he has already won. Shane walks and calls Owen’s victory tainted. Shane calls Owens a cheater. Owens challenges Shane. Shane says Owens will have a match tonight but it won’t be against him. Shane says since Owens attacked Elias he is fining Owens $100k. Owens tells Shane to reconsider. Shane says nope and walks away.

After the break, Owens bursts into Shane’s office. Shane says he isn’t a competitor tonight and if Owens wants to hit him then he will sue. Owens throws a chair at a TV screen and walks away.

Charlotte Flair vs. Ember Moon

Flair and Moon trade attacks. Moon takes Flair over with a head scissors. Moon dumps Flair to the outside. Moon dives to the outside and lands a splash. Flair and Moon fight outside the ring. Flair sends Moon into the barricade. After the break, Moon is sent out of the ring. Moon injured her knee in the process. Flair tries to lock in the figure-four. Moon fights her off. Flair puts Moon in the Boston crab. Moon escapes. Moon hits Magnum! Flair kicks out. Flair boots Moon in the face. Flair locks in the Figure-Eight for the win.

Winner- Charlotte Flair

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