WrestleZone Live Stream 5pm CST: Supperslam! Fast Food Mascots Fight LIVE!

Your face will be fed! WZ Daily is the LIVE  Today at 5pm CST/ 6pm EST/ 3pm PST will stream an epic and ridiculous battle of the fast food mascots and more, SUPPERSLAM! Yes,  the branded faces that drive you to the drive-thru will battle in WrestleZone’s third satirical video game spoof following January’s Fast Food Royale Rumble, and June’s Yummy in the Bank. Note this is in no way an endorsement of any brand and is purely for fun. Scroll down to join the live stream or watch on-demand with hosts Kevin Kellam and Robert DeFelice who will also talk up this weekend’s WWE Summerslam from Toronto. The video game fights start around the 31 minute mark after Summerslam chat.

Fast Food Championship

The Grimmace vs. Coca-Cola Bear (c)

Ronald McDonald vs. Wendy of Wendy’s


Dominic DeAngelo vs. Marcus DeAngelo

Yes! The brothers DeAngelo from WZ’s ‘Get the Tray Tables’ podcast (new episodes on Fridays) will fight with the existence of their family on the line. The fights in front of the TV watching wrestling, boiling over into a blood battle in the ring!