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NJPW 47th Anniversary Show Results (3/6) Champion vs. Champion Main Event

Photo Credit: AXS TV

Show is available on NJPWWorld.com.

FIRST MATCH: Togi Makabe, Toru Yano, Ayato Yoshida, Shota Umino & Ren Narita vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Chase Owens & HIKULEO)

Everyone shoves everyone else before the bell. Owens and Narita start the match. They lock up. Owens gets Narita on the ropes. They break clean.

Both men trade blows. Narita drops Owens with a double back elbow. Fale and HIKULEO rush in and attack everyone. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Owens rolls Narita back in the ring. Owens hits a backbreaker. Owens covers for two.

HIKULEO tags in. HIKULEO hits a huge chop on Narita. HIKULEO hits a back body drop. HIKULEO covers. Umino breaks up the pin.

Tama tags in. Tama maintains dominance. Tama destroys Narita in the corner. Fale tags in.

Fale gets a nearfall on Narita. HIKULEO tags in. HIKULEO chokes Narita. HIKULEO gets a nearfall.

HIKULEO hits a huge side slam. HIKULEO covers but the pin is broken up. Tanga Loa tags in.

Tanga Loa hits an Oklahoma Stampede. Tanga Loa covers for two. Owens tags in.

Owens and Tanga double team Narita. Narita rolls up Owens for two. Owens hits a huge lariat. Tanga Loa tags in.

Narita counters Apeshit. Tanga dodges a dropkick. Tanga gets hit with a dropkick. Makabe tags in.

Makabe drops Tanga Loa with a shoulder tackle. Makabe clears the apron. Brawl ensues. Makabe fights off a double team from Tama and Tanga. Makabe hits corner lariats. Makabe hits mounted punches. Tanga Loa fights back. They trade lariats. Owens tags in.

Owens hits a series of strikes. Makabe hits a lariat. Yoshida tags in.

Yoshida hits a Neckbreaker Clothesline. Shota and Yoshida attack Owens. Owens fights off a triple team. Fale and HIKULEO hit corner splashes on all three young lions. Yoshida rolls up Owens for two. Yoshida hits a backslide but Owens responds with a knee to the face. Owens hit Yoshida with Package Piledriver for the pinfall in 9:12.

WINNERS: Bullet Club