According to PWInsider.com WWE’s applications for trademarks relating to Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy filed on June 19 were assigned to a trademark attorney on July 27. This means they’ll bypass the three-month wait period that applies to most applications.
Global Force Wrestling’s applications for trademarks relating to the Hardys was filed on April 28 and were also assigned to a trademark attorney on July 27.
WWE’s application for Matt Hardy received an initial refusal due to potential confusion with the “Broken Matt Hardy” application which was filed first by Matt Hardy himself. All other actions will be frozen until Matt’s application is finalized. A similar situation happened with GFW’s application.
Both of WWE’s applications also received an initial refusal due to WWE not providing consent from Matt and Jeff to trademark their respective names. WWE quickly responded with consent from both of them.
WWE’s application for a trademark on The Hardy Boyz name was filed in April and is set to be published for opposition to the public at the end of August.
Related: Jeff Hardy Concert Announced
Mattel Epic Moments Hardy Boyz Figures
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