WWE Backlash Results (5/21): Nakamura’s WWE In Ring Debut, Huge WWE Title Match, New Champion Crowned!!

Sami Zayn vs Baron Corbin

Corbin pushes Zayn into the corner. Corbin surprisingly gives Zayn a clean break. Corbin knees Zayn in the gut. Zayn backward leap frogs over Corbin. Zayn whips Corbin to the mat with a head scissor. Corbin rolls to the outside. Zayn sets up a dive but Corbin moves out of the way. Zayn backflips off the top rope. Corbin pulls Zayn to the outside and decks him. Corbin whips Zayn into the barricade but Zayn hops to the top of the barricade and hits a moonsault onto Corbin. Zayn is favoring his back. Zayn tosses Corbin back into the ring. Corbin picks up Zayn and drives him back first into the corner. Corbin works over Zayn’s back. Corbin puts Zayn in a bear hug. Zayn fights out. Zayn hits the ropes and gets put right back into another bear hug. Corbin telegraphs a back body drop. Zayn pulls down the bottom rope and Corbin falls to the outside.

Zayn climbs to the top rope. Corbin gets back in the ring. Zayn dives anyway but Corbin moves out of the way. Corbin spine busters Zayn for a two count. Corbin yells at Zayn to stay down. Corbin pounds on Zayn. Corbin hits the ropes and runs right into a stiff lariat by Zayn. Zayn gets to his feet and hits another. Corbin chops Zayn in the throat. Corbin hits his slide in and out clothesline for a near fall. Backbreaker by Corbin for another near fall. Corbin sits Zayn on the top rope. Zayn counters into a sunset flip bomb off the top for a two count. Zayn tries to hit the corner exploder but Corbin hooks the rope. Deep six by Corbin. Zayn kicks out! Corbi is livid. Corbin stomps on Zayn over and over again. Corbin tries to tackle Zayn but Zayn moves out of the way. Corbin falls to the outside. Corbin gets into the ring and Zayn boots him in the face. Corbin stumbles into the corner.Zayn hits the helluva kick! Corbin is down for the count.

Winner- Sami Zayn