WWE SmackDown Results (5/26) – Miz/Cesaro, Rusev vs Kalisto, Seth Rollins Invades Norfolk

Seth Rollins In-Ring Promo: 

Rollins says that he’s back. He’s had a hell of a week, but he thought of finishing this amazing week by coming to SmackDown. Rollins says that the crowd at Raw was kind of salty, but he wants to know if the Norfolk crowd misses him? Well, Rollins wish he can say the same thing to them and he drops the mic and walks to the back. 

Fifth Match: The Miz (c) w/Maryse vs. Cesaro for the WWE Intercontinental Championship 

Miz and Cesaro locks up. Miz applies a wrist lock and Cesaro slaps Miz in the face. Cesaro rolls Miz up for a one count. Cesaro with a beautiful dropkick that sends Miz to the outside. Cesaro follows that up with a flying cannonball off the ring apron. Cesaro rolls Miz back into the ring. Coming out of the break Miz drives Cesaro wrist to the top rope. Miz with a baseball dropkick that sends Cesaro crashing to the outside. Cesaro bounces Miz head on the ring apron. Miz with a arm ringer to Cesaro. Miz sends Cesaro shoulder first to the barricade at ringside. Miz rolls Cesaro back into the ring. Miz goes for a pin, but Cesaro kicks out at the count of two. Miz continues to work on the shoulder of Cesaro. Miz with a running boot to the face for a two count. Cesaro lands two european uppercuts. Miz goes for a neck breaker, but Cesaro counters with a uppercut. Cesaro brings Miz upon the Uppercut Express.

Miz lands a big boot to the shoulder of Cesaro. Cesaro launches Miz in the air and drops him with a vicious european uppercut for a two count. Miz drives Cesaro back down to the mat with the arm ringer then plants Cesaro with a DDT for a two count. Maryse exposes the top turnbuckle pad. Miz tries to whip Cesaro to the corner, but Cesaro counters with a springboard uppercut. Cesaro goes for the Neturalizer, but Miz counters with a roll through into the Figure Four Leg Lock. Cesaro rolls Miz up for a two count. Cesaro gets Miz in the Sharpshooter and Miz reaches the bottom rope. Cesaro has to make the break. The referee back Cesaro away from the Miz. Cesaro goes for the Cesaro Swing, but Miz rolls to the outside. Miz grabs the title and tries to escape, but he’s dropped by a running european uppercut. Cesaro with a flying crossbody for a two count. Miz sends Cesaro shoulder first to the expose metal in the corner. Miz drops Cesaro with the Skull Crushing Finale to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Still WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz 

Thank you guys so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s WWE SmackDown. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums.

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Check out this week’s Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast. On the podcast I go over the major news with the upcoming WWE Brand Split, Extreme Rules, Raw from Baltimore and so much more.