wwe raw

WWE RAW Results (3/7): Shane McMahon Returns, Ambrose vs Wyatt, Final Hype For WWE Roadblock!

Backstage, Becky Lynch is with Sasha Banks. They argue about who should be facing Charlotte at WrestleMania.

Naomi and Tamina vs Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks

Tamina immediately tosses Becky across the ring. Tamina whips Becky into the corner, but Becky moves out of the way. Sasha and Naomi tag in. Sasha crushes Naomi with the standing double knees. Naomi attempts a bulldog, but Sasha reverses it into the Banks statement for the win.

Winners- Becky Lynch and Tamina

After the match Charlotte beats up both Becky and Sasha.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Chris Jericho and AJ Styles vs The New Day (c)

Jericho floors Kingston with the dropkick. Jericho launches Kingston over the top rope with a catapult. Big E. gets in the ring, but Styles and Jericho toss him over the top rope as well. Styles and Jericho both springboard over the top rope to take out New Day.

After a short break, Big E. has a side headlock on Jericho. Big E. traps Jericho in the corner for the unicorn stampede. Big E. runs into a kick from Jericho. Jericho goes up top and drop kicks Big E. Kingston gets in the ring, but he runs right into an enzguri from Jericho. Jericho tags in Styles. Style hits a basement clothesline on Kingston followed by the back flip ddt for a near fall. Blind tag by Big E. Styles tries a springboard, but Big E. catches him. Kingston goes up top and they hit their finisher on Styles. Big E. pins Styles, but Jericho pushes Kingston into Big E. to break up the pin.
