3/6 WWE NXT Results: Sami Zayn vs. Corey Graves Main Event, Adam Rose Makes His WWE Network Debut, Ric Flair Supports His Daughter

Corey Graves vs. Yoshi Tatsu

Graves gets ready to compete, but leaves the ring and says "forget this". The referee gets to a count of 8, until Yoshi runs to the outside and gets caught with a huge clothesline. Graves throws him into the ring steps and demands the referee start counting. Tatsu fails to answer the call, and this one is over. 

Winner: Corey Graves

After the bell rings, Graves immediately goes to the outside and stomps a mudhole in Yoshi Tatsu. He locks in Lucky 13 and Tatsu taps out for several seconds, until Sami Zayn makes the save. Sami says he wasn't aware they had a problem – apparently they do. He challenges him to a match, right here tonight. Graves leaves with a smirk on his face. 

Mike's Thoughts: Three matches down, and none of them bothered to stick around for any length of time. At least this one had a reason to its shortness. I love Corey Graves. So far he's probably my favorite guy in NXT on the mic. He reminds me of a young Edge or Christian. He seems comfortable, which allows me as a viewer to be more comfortable listening to him. 

There's footage of something called "An Adam Rose Party". Adam Rose is Leo Kruger repackaged, by the way. There are people dancing everywhere with loud, flamboyant costumes and music playing in the background.

Mike's Thoughts: I don't know what that was, but it's awesome. 

Xavier Woods cuts a killer promo, challenging Alexander Rusev to a match. 

Adam Rose vs. Wesley Blake

I think I cought the second guy's name correctly. Rose's entrances brought an entire party with him to the ring – they even did a trust fall off the apron. The crowd is already chanting "that was awesome." 

Wesley tries to lock up, but Rose rolls around the ring half a dozen times. He hangs out in the ropes and kicks his feet so Blake can't get anywhere near him. He hits a massive clothesline out of the corner for a quick 1-2-3. 

Mike's Thoughts: I love it. I LOVE IT. I am officially a Rosebud. It's like Tyler Breeze had a baby with Russel Brand's character from Get Him to the Greek. So…Russel Brand.